Forgive Me, father
While performing is my passion, I've recently tried my hand at Screenwriting! Here's the link to my first-ever official screenplay.
Slight Spoilers Ahead!
Forgive Me, Father tells the story of Father Murphy, a middle-aged Catholic priest who learns that his mother has mysteriously disappeared, and his journey back to the church during a time of pain and suffering. Upon his return, he finds 19-year-old Patrick Donahue in a troubled and suicidal state. The two agree to discuss privately in the Confession booth, where Patrick tells Murphy that he killed someone in self defense. Patrick leaves the church in fear, but comes back the next night so Murphy can forgive him in the Lord’s eyes. During this reconciliation, it is revealed that Patrick also murdered Murphy’s innocent mother, leaving Murphy completely distraught and unsure about what to do. On the final night, Murphy packs up his things and starts to leave the church, with a loaded gun in his back pocket. Patrick arrives at the church and holds Murphy at gunpoint, confirming that there can be no witnesses of his crimes. Murphy stalls, and the police eventually storm the church to arrest Patrick. Murphy asks for forgiveness from God and walks out of the church, having no idea where his life will lead him next.